Hey, welcome
to my blog, my name is Hannah Grace. This blog is the beginning of a project. At school we are
working on whats called "passion projects", what that means is we get to teach our self what ever we want. I have chosen
photography. I'm specifically going into how to photograph with light. every day the sun comes up and goes down, and I want to use it to my
advantage in photography.
I plan to take many photos and post them on my blog, good and bad photos, hopefully most of them good. I plan to talk about how to improve, to talk about my successes and my failures, and most importantly learn from those mistakes. If any of you fellow people have heard of the magic school bus, you would know Mrs. Frizzle always says "Get messy, take chances, make mistakes!", and thats what I want to do. I also plan to express myself though my pictures, learn to be a story teller though my photos, talk about styles I like, and styles I dont like, learn patience and dedication. In the end I hope to have a professional portfolio of my favorite photos.
I am really looking forward to working on this blog, evidence of that being that I want it to be perfect. I might just be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to things I like, so much so that I have held off writing my first blog post to make sure I have the perfect words, kinda like getting a new journal that you dont want to write in it for the first time, because your scared to wreck the beautiful empty pages. but someone very wise once told me "you can't wait till your perfect to start something, you gotta start and grow into it". So this is me writing in my first pages.