The Tiger
Tiger! Tiger! burning bright In the forest of the night
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
-William Blake
I got the chance to go to the zoo, I haven't been there in a long while. it was quite exciting, and I have to say even though our zoo got a cool new polar bear my favorite animal there still is the Tiger! the kitty's just have this amazing majestic powerful strength too them.
One question you might ask is how did you get a picture without the bars being in the way, the answer to that is, with the zoom lens that I am using the bars are actually still there they are just blurred out, I have not quite perfected this yet because you can see some blurry spots. That's something I would like to practice, if I could spend my entire day at the zoo.
This Tiger is perfect for having in black and white because her stripes show the contrast between black and white so well.
Hope you all enjoy these photos! Please feel free to leave a comment!