Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Vanessa and Carmela

Sorry I haven't posted for a while I have been away from my camera for a long while, longer than I would like.

I went on a photo shoot a while back with this kid 
Carmela to take pictures of  our friend Vanessa. Carmela and I are both interested in photography and love to take pictures. With similar cameras we can help each other figure out settings and give tips to each other.

Its helpful for me to have a friend that shares the same interest in photography that I do, and its more fun to have a friend to enjoy it with you.

These photos I would like to point out are taken in the city, but we were looking for pictures that didn't have tons of houses and distracting stuff in the background. 

This struggle I would say is the biggest for the city photographer unless you prefer the city style, but me I would prefer country, but we make due with what we have.

Photography Tip: When trying to doge houses in the background, try and use different angles to get them out of the way and don't forget about checking the background when focusing on your subject.

This Kid Vanessa she is amazingly beautiful, any picture of her would turn out amazing she is so photogenic. I think she will defiantly go far in her career of modeling.

I love having these to as my friends and its such a blessing to have them in my life.

Hope you enjoy the pictures!